Thursday, January 13, 2011

What if...?

I was prepared for all the "why" questions when my kids were toddlers, but I have now entered a new phase of questions.  Precious has started asking me "what if" questions.  Here is one of our conversations from the other day.

Precious:  What if a baby was walking down the street and fell in one of those big holes where the water goes? (She's referring to those long culverts that drain the water from the streets.)

Me:  Well, a baby would not be walking down the street.

Precious:  But what if one was?

Me:  Well, a baby would probably have an adult with them that would protect them.

Precious:  But what if they didn't?

This could go on forever just like the why questions.  Most of the time I just have to say, "It's just not going to happen."  Which often sends us back to the "why" questions.

1 comment:

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

I love how children think. Today Sam was so worried when we drove by the lake. He thought the ducks and geese's feet were frozen in the ice and they couldn't move. I told him that no, they were just sitting there and then again when we drove by, he said, "but what about that one?...are his feet frozen?" He just needed to hear it again. It made me giggle. There are so many things that go through their minds!