Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Resolution for Women - The Secret

Contentment.  It has always been a secret to me. That's probably why Paul has always been one of my favorite people.  "I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.  I know both how to have a little, and I know how to have a lot."  Philippians 4:11-12. 

"A satisfied woman is such a surprising woman.  She is shockingly noticeable to a world that lives on a watered-down version of the secret--a secret that she obviously got the truth about.  You can tell it by her peace and serenity, by her solace and restfulness, by the mysterious sense of ease that accompanies her.  Her presence alone delivers an air of refreshment to any setting she enters, to anyone she's around." The Resolution for Women

I WANT THAT!  To not want that girl's hair or that girl's clothes or that girl's well-behaved kids.  This world is so good at convincing us that we need something different or newer or better.  It's a constant battle to remind myself that God has given me everything I need for this very moment in my life. 

"Your God can be trusted to grant you the supply you need to excel at His purposes.  So if you don't have it - whatever it is - it's because you don't need it.  You may want it, but it's not necessary in order to accomplish what He knows is most important for your life today."  The Resolution for Women

My Needs                     God's Provision
Food/Shelter                 wonderful home/more than enough food
Energy                          somehow there is always enough(sometimes just enough but enough)
Support                         Christian husband, family and friends
Guidance                      Scripture and Biblical books

There are so many reasons for God to withhold blessings from me.  I'm selfish, I'm greedy, my heart is not ready to accept them, I am not ready to use them the way He wants.  I trust that God will help me to change those things and bless me when He sees fit.


erindinkel said...

Good stuff, right there! I, too, have recently been convicted of the areas of my life that lack contentment. How much time I've wasted fretting about things that are of non-eternal importance; material things that do not matter. God, please be with us as we learn to be content in Your presence with Your provisions for us.

Sami said...

I don't think we are the only ones. If we were this world would be a completely different place to live in. I definitely need God to get me through this change. I will pray for you as I go through this journey. Thank God for His grace when I do wrong and His willingness to change me even though I need so much work.