Friday, September 9, 2011

I'm a different mom this time.

I know people always say that when you have kids far apart, you change the way you parent, but I never thought I'd be one of those parents.  We were deliberate about everything we did with the kids.  Every decision we made, we thought about carefully before we made it.  Why would we do anything differently?  But I can't forget all the things I've learned and stories I've heard since the girls were little.  I can't forget about my friend telling me about the babies in Ethiopia that don't cry because no one ever comes.  I can't forget about the many friends that I have that have lost precious babies before they ever got to meet them.  I can't forget how fast this time goes by.  How quickly my girls have become young ladies.  So when Baby Bubba is crying, I will pick him up.  When he wakes up in the middle of the night (even though he should be fine),  I will go feed him, rock him, or just snuggle him.  Later, I'll read him that book for the tenth time today and play monster trucks or dinosaurs for a little longer.  Because I can't forget.

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