Friday, April 17, 2009

Ear Surgery

I was mowing the lawn yesterday like the wonderful wife that I am (ha, ha) and suddenly a bug flew in my ear! I tried the obvious, shaking it out, but it was stuck. So I went over to the neighbor's house to see if she could get it out or at least see where it was. She could see it, but not reach it and the crawling was driving me crazy. Before I knew it, I was at the doctor's office hoping that they would be able to get it out because if not, they were going to send me to the ER. And I was not going to the ER for a silly bug in my ear. It did feel like a monster bug though. When they finally got it out, it was a little tiny wormy looking thing (YUCK!). They made sure there was nothing else in there and that the worm didn't do any damage and sent me on my way. I will be mowing the lawn with cotton balls in my ears from now on.


Nellie said...

That's the kind of story that could give me nightmares!! I'm glad you got it out and no permanent damage was done!

PS. Bravo for mowing the lawn!! Jeremiah is so lucky! :-)

erin said...

GROSS! I'm glad it's out now and that it didn't have the chance to lay eggs in your ears. :)

Randa said...

That is the best reason not to ever have to mow again! So glad all things worked out well!


Sami said...

Erin, that is what Jeremiah said and it totally grossed me out!!

Christa said...

Oh, MY!!! that would have freaked me out too!! Glad they got it out. I think next time I mow I will wear my ear muffs. LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sami that is crazy. I would stop mowing the lawn at once.

Unknown said...

I have to mow Tuesday... Jeremiah needs to hook me up with some ear plugs! :)

Had a blast last night! That loser prize would have looked good on a random grave in town... but I'll let Mel figure out what to do with that. :-)

Farm Chick (at Heart) said...

Yuck! I'm so glad they got it out. I can only imagine what that sounded like!