Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Here is what I did for Sissy's class party this year.  As some of you may know one of her classmates passed away this week, so there has been a cloud of sadness over their rooms lately.  I was hoping to bring them some much needed joy.

They drank "Love Potion."

And ate Krispie Kreme heart-shaped donuts.  We played "Guesstimation" where the kids guessed how many of each candy were inside the container.  The closest guesser got to take home the container full of candy.  You can see two of the containers behind the donuts in the picture.  They also made flowers from suckers and cupcake papers.

And there were lots of smiles!

Here are the Valentines the girls made to hand out.
They're ipods made from boxes of conversation hearts and mini reeses.

And here is my super-special Valentine that just turned 2.

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