Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sweet Sissy

I am blessed by my kids on a daily basis.  But there's something super special about being told your kids are a blessing to others.  At parent teacher conferences Sissy's teacher was telling us what a blessing she has been to her.  She told us how just the other day it was a little boy's birthday.  Their class always writes down something special about that person on their birthday.  As everyone was handing in their papers to the teacher, Sissy whispered in her ear, "Here is mine, but I need to sing it."  And as the teacher gave her the floor, she sang to that boy about how special he is.  Her teacher told us that the boy talked about it all day and she heard him excitedly telling his mother about it too.  It does a momma's heart good to hear those things every now and then.

1 comment:

erin said...

Oh my goodness! That is the sweetest!