Friday, March 5, 2010

Today Is Not "O" Day

After we dropped Precious off at school this morning, Sissy and I were playing "friend."  The next thing I know, I look at the clock and it was 8:45.  Sissy should be at school already.  So I checked the calendar quickly because Fridays are always show-and-tell days.  It was "O" day, but we didn't have time to run upstairs to get an O toy.  I grabbed a can of olives and we headed out the door.  As I rushed her into school while everyone else was already seated, I noticed the "O" things in the other kids' cubbies were not "O"s at all.  They were "G"s.  It was too late at this point, so I left my 4 year-old daughter to explain why we had olives instead of grapes.  I talked to the teacher after school and she said they used the "G" for great since the olives were Great Value.  Thank goodness for Wal-Mart brand food :)


Randa said...

Were they "GREEN" olives???

Christa said...

:) Funny!! I can't tell you how many times I dug through my car looking for something for show-n-tell.

C.C. said...

So funny, made me remember the time KJ had to draw a picture of her letter for the day as we drove to the school, on the back of a bank envelope! :)

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

So is it bad to arrive at school when everyone else is already seated?? ;D I do it all the time. Hmmm. I better get my act together.

I think we brought a gorilla?