Friday, May 1, 2009

Love Dare Day 25

Okay, I'm taking it REALLY slow. Another good day on a rough topic. Forgiveness. The book made me look at it in a different way. It says, "Forgiveness doesn't absolve anyone of blame. It doesn't clear their record with God. It just clears you of having to worry about how to punish them." I've always struggled with why I should forgive someone who doesn't ask forgiveness or even feel like they've done something wrong. Even God doesn't do that! But that's exactly the reason why I can forgive someone who doesn't ask forgiveness. Because God will take care of their punishment. "You release your anger and the responsibility for judging this person to the Lord. 'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,' says the Lord. Romans 12:19." Whew! Thank God that's not my responsibility. The book also says, "Great marriages are not created by people who never hurt each other, only by people who choose to keep no record of wrongs." I guess that means I should forget about the flowers J didn't buy me for Valentine's Day and the dishes he didn't help me with. Easier said than done, but it might be harder to live in the prison of unforgiveness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Forgiveness is tricky.