Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Kind of Person Who Reads Books

I have never been the kind of person who reads books. My mother blames it on being the second child. She always read to my sister, but when I came along there was no more time for that. Who knows why, but I've always thought book readers were nerds (even in my adult-years reading sounds nerdy). When I started attending Bible study, I enjoyed reading my daily homework. I just figured that was different. Now I've been reading all kinds of marriage and parenting books and I actually like it. The other day I even bought a book at a garage sale like my sister always does. Am I a nerd now? I guess according to myself, I am. I don't think you'll find me reading romance novels any time soon, but if there's something I can learn from a book, I just might read it.


Kristen said...

i can't believe that you've been thinking i'm a nerd all this time!!! welcome to the nerd club... you'll never be the same! love ya!

Anonymous said...

Honestly, the only books I have read lately are a couple I won at MOPS. I am trying to read Love and Respect right now, but it is hard to find the time when I could be surfing instead...

Anonymous said...

Nerds are the most wonderful people in the world! Next step: getting into comic books. Or is that being a geek?