Saturday, December 28, 2013

More boy differences.

As I watched a Victoria's Secret commercial on television recently I found that I have a whole new perspective.  Before, as I watched those commercials I thought about how angry it makes me that every woman out there feels like she has to live up to that.  I thought about me and how discouraging it was to know that my husband was seeing that as an example.  How at 33 years old and after almost 13 years of marriage, I still have body issues.  And I thought about my girls and how much pain they will probably feel because they will never live up to that.  But this time, I saw that commercial and thought about how mad I am that my son will be constantly inundated with pictures of half naked women and how hard it will be for him to make good, Godly choices throughout his life with all of the temptation that this world throws at him.  Father, help us all to stand strong against the things of this world and hold on to the truths of your word.

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