Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Life Experience

The girls were looking through their scrapbooks.  You know.  The fancy kind that I spent hours on each page cutting out paper and stickers.  The ones that I could only keep up for a few years and now do digital because it is WAY faster.  Sissy made an observation followed by a question.

Sissy:  "Why does Precious have so many more than me?"  (Some day she will realize how much harder two kids are than one.  And how you intend to do all the things you did with your first with your second until reality sets in and you realize you barely even have time to shower, so cutting out pictures does not make the list.)

Well Precious thought she knew the answer.

Precious:  "It's because I have so much more life experience than you."  Yes, Precious, you're right.  You have been through so much more in your extra 20 months of life than Sissy.  You have way more life experience. :)

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