Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Precious Thoughts From Precious

Thought #1
This morning in the car on the way to school Precious told me she wants to go to Paris.  Apparently Barbie went to Paris in one of her movies.  I informed her that I will probably never go to Paris because I don't like to fly, so Sissy said she would go with her.  They planned their trip to Paris when they are "grown-ups" and even thought to make sure Dad stayed at home with me so I wouldn't be lonely.  I pray that some day they actually do get to go to Paris together.  I want them to know that they can do whatever they want to do.  Even spend a crazy amount of money to go to a place where I hear everyone is rude :)

Thought #2
I love taking my girls out to dinner.  I especially love taking each of them out separately, just the two of us.  I love the conversations we have, the things they share with me and getting to concentrate completely on them, no distractions.  Saturday night Dad went to a football game with a friend, so I got to take the girls out to eat.
Don't ask me how this came up, but Precious told me that she feels funny when boys look at her.  When I asked her why, she said that she just wants them to like her.  She is 7, not 13, not even 10, SEVEN!  I was totally unprepared and didn't have any idea how to respond.  I simply said that all that really matters is that God loves us and our family loves us.  Any suggestions on what an appropriate response would have been.  I love that she feels comfortable enough with me to share and I hope she will continue to come to me for advice when she gets older.  If we had not gone to eat she probably never would have mentioned that.  I plan to keep taking my girls out to dinner because who knows where the conversation will lead.

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