Monday, December 21, 2009

Our New Favorite Game

Precious has been such a good girl at school that she got to draw several items out of the treasure chest. Just before Christmas break started she came home with a very disgusting- looking plastic spider(thanks Mrs. S). I HATE all bugs. Spiders, crickets, june bugs, and yes ladybugs. I'm proud to say I'm an equal-opportunity bug hater. My daughter knows this about me, but she also has learned a lot of sneaky things from her father. Her new favorite thing to do is to stand around the corner so I can't see her and throw the spider at me. You would think I would learn after a few times, but she is SOOO sneaky about it, it scares me every time. She's sneakier than you would think a 6 year old could be (probably sneakier than me). Mrs. S--I'm really happy that Precious is good for you at school, but please, please do not send any more plastic bugs home with her!