Monday, December 21, 2009

Our New Favorite Game

Precious has been such a good girl at school that she got to draw several items out of the treasure chest. Just before Christmas break started she came home with a very disgusting- looking plastic spider(thanks Mrs. S). I HATE all bugs. Spiders, crickets, june bugs, and yes ladybugs. I'm proud to say I'm an equal-opportunity bug hater. My daughter knows this about me, but she also has learned a lot of sneaky things from her father. Her new favorite thing to do is to stand around the corner so I can't see her and throw the spider at me. You would think I would learn after a few times, but she is SOOO sneaky about it, it scares me every time. She's sneakier than you would think a 6 year old could be (probably sneakier than me). Mrs. S--I'm really happy that Precious is good for you at school, but please, please do not send any more plastic bugs home with her!


Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

I'm sorry, but this post made me laugh! Your girls are so cute.

erin said...

hee hee! You'll just have to tickle her until she stops scaring you :).

Sami said...

Now my husband bought them a snake!!! He can't help but encourage her. Ugh!

Farm Chick (at Heart) said...

Little Stinker! :) Gotta love that Hubby got in on the act!